A lovely day at Samlesbury Archers for their BLBS Clout. The weather forcast was for thunder and lightening but we escaped that and the rain.
Congratulations to Katrina Horton, winner of the Double Clout and Most Clouts, and to Chris Eccles, winner of the First Clout. Katrina and Chris also won £1.50 each on the clout sweep.
Thank you to Pendle and Samlesbury Archers for a great day and the team at Preston Grasshoppers for the fabulous steak pie lunch.
Excellent day at The Sword of Shrewsbury, an annual event consisting of a BLBS Double Two Way Clout followed by a Two Way National Round.
In the Clout competition, congratulations to Fran Smith who was lady longbow with the most hits, Katrina Horton, lady longbow with the highest score and Dee Jones who had the most clouts.
In the target competition, Katrina Horton was lady longbow most hits, Fran Smith was lady longbow with the highest score and Penny Neaveson, lady longbow with the most golds.
Overall, Fran Smith, just pipped Katrina to become the supreme champion taking the trophey and the ladys’ dagger.
Hamish Freeman was the supreme champion, taking the trophey and the Sword, Chris Eccles got gents longbow most golds in the target competition.